Wednesday 16 March 2011

Hello from Flataskóli in Iceland

We are going to write something on this blog. The students in 6HÞ are preparing their blogs with their teacher Hafþór Þorleifsson. There are 19 students in the class. They have been learning English for some time and are now happy to practice their skills and meet some new friends on the blog from Scotland.

Emma Kristina

My name is Emma and I am 11 and going 2 b 12 this year. My birthday is the 7th of June. My hobby is Volleyball. I have one sister and her name is Hannah. I have one pet, it is a cat named Tví-Tví. I think Beyonce is the prettiest woman on earth, she is my idol.
P.s I LOVE Justin Bieber!

Sara Hlín

My name is Sara Hlín. I´m 12 years old. My hobbies are gymnastic and dance. I have six siblings. My favorite colour is pink. My favorite food is pizza.
I love Justin Bieber, he is AWESOME!:)


My name is Elin. I am 11 going to be 12. My hobby is gymnastics. I have three step sisters, one brother and one half-brother and a big half sister. My favorite food is chicken salat. My favorite colours are pink and red. My favorite animals are dogs and horses. My gymnastic idol is Shawn Johnson. My BFF is Holmfriður and my best friends are Ingunn, Sara, Anna, Aníta, Binna, Kristjana and Emma.8)

Magnús Andri

I am Magnús Andri Ólafsson. I am twelve years old. I love soccer and I play with the Stjarnan sportsclub. I have one sister, named Isabell. My dads name is Ólafur and my moms name is Andrea. I have a dog, called Úlfur. My birthday is the 21st of february. I listen to all kind of music, except goth and emo. My idols are Messi, Kaka, G.Bale, Gylfi and Özil. My best friends are Dagur, Bragi, Tommi, Einar, Snorri, Gissur, Aron and Andri.
Iceland is the best! I practice soccer four times a week. I like Cod black ops, Gte IV, Fifa11 and Modern warfare. My favorite food is pizza. THATS ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My name is Erlendur. I am 11 years old. I like handball, computers and I like playing with my friends. I have two brothers, one sister, mom and dad. I have one dog and a cat. My dogs name is Arven and my cats name is Snúður. I like Prodigy and the Black Eyed Peas. I like, sushi, pizza and snitsel.

Bjarni Haukur

My name is Bjarni. I have three half sisters and I am 11 years old. My hobby is basketball. I have practiced it for almost five years.

Kristján Birgir

My name is Kristján. I am 11 years old. My hobbies are Call of duty and Black ops bikes. My favorite music is techno. I have one brother and a mom and a dad. I like Porce very much. My favorite food is chicken.


My name is Kristjana. I am 12 years old and I live in Garðabær. My birthday is May 15th. I have a mom and a dad. My friends are Bergþóra, Heiðrún, Emma, Ingunn, Brynhildur, Aníta, Elín, Anna Ólöf, Sara og Urður :).
I love Justin Bieber.

Gunnar Helgi

My name is Gunnar Helgi. I am 11 years old. My friends are Bjarki, Egill, Árni Fannar, Gunnbjörn, Daníel, Jökull N, Aron Á, Hákon, Maggi, Dagur, Andri og Benni. I love soccer. I have a mum, a dad and two sisters. My idols are Wayne Rooney, Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi.

Gunnlaugur Hans

My name is Gunnlaugur Hans. I am 11 years old. I live in Garðabær, Iceland. My mothers name is Guðrún and my dads name is Stefán. My birthday is the 13th of September. I have a dog, called Pollýanna and a cat, called Týna.

Daníel Þór

My name is Daníel. I am 11 years old. My birthday is the 23rd of November. My hobbies are football and handball and I practice both of them. My best friends are Axel, Gunnar Helgi, Aron A, Bjarki Rúnar and Ásgeir.

Hákon Máni

My name is Hákon and I am 12 years old. I have a cat and its name is Snæfríður. My mom is Friða and my dad is Indriði. My friends are Kári, Krissi, Jökull E, Jökull N and Gunnar Helgi. I love soccer.

Andri Már

My name is Andri and I am 11 years old. I play the drums. I love playing on the computer. My friends are Gunnbjörn and Jakob. My favorite game is Call of duty black ops ps3.


My name is Anita. I am twelve years old. I live in Iceland. My hobby is Handball. I have one brother, three sisters and a mom and a dad. My best friends are Anna Ólöf, Emma, Ingunn, Sara, Bergþóra, Kristjana, Brynhildur, Elín and Urður.
I love Justin Bieber;)


My name is Jakob and I am 11 years old. I practice soccer and handball. I have a dog called Shadow. My friends are Gunnbjörn, Andri M, Andri J, Benni, Aron, Maggi, Gunni, Hákon and Danni.


My name is Brynhildur. I am eleven years old, going to be twelve this year, on October 5th. My hobbies are gymnastic and being with my friends. I have a cat, its name is Tómas Trítill. My parents names are Sigríður and Hermann. I have a sister, she is 15 years old and her name is Hildigunnur.
My best friends are Ingunn, Sara, Emma, Aníta, Anna, Kristjana, Elín, Bergþóra and Urður.
My Idols are Justin Bieber, Jaden Smith and Willow Smith.


My name is Gunnbjörn and I am 11 years old. My hobbies are judo and handball. My mom and dads name are Ásgerður and Gunnar. I have a brother, his name is Erlingur and he is 15 years old. I have lots of friends. My best friend is Jakob Tumi and more and more of them. I have a pet and that is a guinea pig, called Naggur. My birthday is the 8th of Desember. I love playing the playstation 3.

Anna Ólöf

My name is Anna. I live in Iceland. I was born in Germany. I have a 17 years old brother and a 4 years old sister. I am 12 years old. My mom and dad are 40 years old. My birthday is the 18th of February. I love spagetti bolognese.
I think Sara Whalker is the prettiest woman on earth:). Miley is the best Disney star and she is my idol.

Ingunn Anna

My name is Ingunn Anna and I am 11 going to be 12. My hobbies are gymnastics and flute. I have a mom and a dad and one sister. I have one dwarfhamster it's name is Kringla. My favourite colour is pink and purple. My favourite animals are a dog and a dwarfhamster. My idol is my family. My best friends are Sara, Elín, Bynna, Aníta, Anna, Emma, Kristjana, Urður og Begga. Justin Bieber is AWESOME!!! :-)